2009年3月18日 星期三


4.2 Attributes of a Work作品的屬性(12個)
  1. Title of the Work - 題名
  2.Form of Work - 形式
  3.Date of the Work - 日期(通常是年)
  4.Other Distinguishing Characteristic - 其他區分特徵
  6.Intended Audience - 讀者群
  9.Numeric Designation (Musical Work) - 編號
  10.Key (Musical Work) - 曲調名
  11.Coordinates (Cartographic Work) - 座標
  12.Equinox (Cartographic Work) - 晝夜平分點
4.3 Attributes of an Expression 內容表達的屬性(25個)
  6.Extensibility of Expression - (期望)擴展性
  9.Summarization of Content - 摘要
  10.Context for the Expression - 背景
  12.Use Restrictions on the Expression - 使用限制
  14.Expected Regularity of Issue (Serial) - 定期or不定期
  18.Scale (Cartographic Image/Object) - 比例尺
  19.Projection (Cartographic Image/Object) - 投影
4.4 Attributes of a Manifestation載體表現(38個)
  2.Statement of Responsibility - 著者敘述
  7.Fabricator/Manufacturer - 印刷者
  8.Series Statement - 集叢敘述
  11.Physical Medium - 物理媒介(材質)
  13.Dimensions of the Carrier - 外觀
  14.Manifestation Identifier - 識別符號(e.g.,ISBN)
  16.Terms of Availability - 獲得方式(售價)
  18.Typeface (Printed Book) - 字體
  20.Foliation (Hand-Printed Book) - (紙的大小)
  22.Publication Status (Serial) - 出版狀態(出版中or停刊)
  28.Kind of Sound (Sound Recording) - 聲音類型
  31.Reduction Ratio (Microform) - 縮率
  33.Generation (Microform or Visual Projection) - 轉錄次數


2009年3月11日 星期三


1.今日小考Objectives of the Study
 ˙Corporate Body
4.下周小考Corporate Body

2009年3月4日 星期三



Group 1 Entities:
作品Work : a distinct intellectual or artistic creation
內容表達Expression : the intellectual or artistic realization of a work
載體(媒體)表現Manifestation : the physical embodiment of an expression of a work
單件Item : a single exemplar of a manifestation

Group 2 Entities:
個人Person : an individual
團體Corporate Body : an organization or group of individuals and/or organizations

Group 3 Entities:
概念Concept : an abstract notion or idea
實物Object : a material thing
事件Event : an action or occurrence
地點Place : a location

Objectives, Scope, and Methodology

研究目的Objectives of the study
(1)to provide a clearly defined, structured framework for relating the data that are recorded in bibliographic records to the needs of the users of those records.
(2)to provide a clearly defined, structured framework for relating the data that are recorded in bibliographic records to the needs of the users of those records.



下週小考:Objectives and Scope(pp.7-8)